Emergency need to housing 10 Pakistani families


Dozens of families in Derekabad in the district of Multan have seen their mud-brick homes destroyed by heavy monsoon rains since August 2020.


Today, these families still have nowhere to live.  The parishs have housed them in tents and is supporting them with donations of food and medicines, while waiting for the necessary funds to build more solid houses.


For more than a year now, women and children have been living in makeshift shelters in a region where temperatures vary from more than 40°C in summer to less than 10°C in winter.


SOS Chrétiens d’Orient is supporting 10 homeless and jobless families in Derekabad village on the outskirts of Multan in the Pakistani Punjab, who were given emergency aid by the Church as much as it could.

But despite the local Church’s goodwill, one year on, women and children are still living in tents due to the lack of means to build brick houses.

Winter is approaching and it is vital for these mothers and their children to be quickly sheltered from the coming cold. In addition to the danger of the particularly harsh climate, these Christian families are also exposed to the risk of crime because they live in houses made of fabrics.

With your help, SOS Chrétiens d’Orient hopes to rehouse in safe conditions around a hundred women and children by January 2022.

Your donations in action

€1,500, to build a house

€4, to buy a 50 kg cement bag

€47, to finance the purchase of 1,000 bricks


Home security is vital for Pakistani Christian families.

With just a few euros you can protect children and their mothers from attacks.

Give us the means to support the Christian community by building them a home.

Project initiator

Brother Khan Paulus

house must be an essential element that binds the family together, a place where attention is given and received.